

Jenny Perez, creator of Unplugged Canada

Jenny Perez

Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Richard Ivey School of Business, Canada
Leadership Principles Certificate – Harvard Business School
Immigration: Laws, Policies and Procedures – University of British Columbia, Canada
Economist, University of Lima, Peru

Jenny Perez on LinkedIn

Thank you so much for being here and reading this! I’m Jenny – a mother and an entrepreneur who has been passionate about the impact of online technologies on children’s minds for over a decade. After encountering Brooke Shannon’s Wait Until 8th campaign which is active in the United States, I was inspired to start a similar movement here in Canada.

I’ve travelled to 75 countries, lived in developing countries, and have called Canada my home for 22 years. Alongside this I have spent 15 years watching, listening, and talking with young people nearly every day. As I have worked to learn from different cultures, perspectives, and practices, I’ve maintained an openness and curiosity about the world that has helped me to define my values and recognize what truly matters most.

One of the things I feel most nostalgic about are the days where we really connected with each other without phones or screens. I know that these technologies are here to stay, and they serve important purposes in our lives. However, it is undeniable that they are overused and that they are introduced too early, and this has caused untold harm to young people. I’ve continued to learn about the effects of smartphones on developing brains (check out our research page), and this has fueled my desire to found Unplugged.

I want my daughter, and all our children, to enjoy childhood. I want them to be happy – isn’t that the most important thing? I want them to live full lives and to be mentally, socially, and emotionally resilient. When I think about our everyday life, I simply want to enjoy a meal together, feel like a family, and talk to each other. Reducing screen time and delaying the introduction of smartphones supports all these things.

Doing things differently is possible. I have managed to do this so far with my beautiful nine-year-old daughter, but I know that if we do it together as a community, it will be even easier.

Dr. Grace Yu | MDCM FRCPC Pediatrics

I fully support the Unplugged Canada initiative. I have been a practicing pediatrician in Vancouver, BC for almost 25 years. For the past 5-10 years, not a day goes by in my practice that I do not have parents describing the struggle they have prying their children off of their cell phones, tablets, computers or away from the television. There is constant conflict in many homes over managing screen time. Countless parents are unable to engage their kids while they are on screen. The more screen time kids have, the more they want.

We know that youth are experiencing increased mental health challenges including anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation, ADHD, and sleep challenges. Constant digital stimulation increases mood swings and feelings of tension and irritability.

Being a child is such a short and precious time in one’s life. Childhood is the chance for kids to be creative, active, and interactive. People have their whole lives to be on screens. Let kids play, laugh, be curious and explore with one another. We should be advocating for less screen times in schools, not more!

I completed my Medical Degree at McGill University. I moved to Vancouver for my Pediatric Residency training at BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital.

I enjoy teaching pediatric and family medicine residents, and medical students at the hospital. I am a Clinical Assistant Professor in the UBC Department of Pediatrics and have been the recipient of awards for Family Centered Care and Community Pediatrician of the Year from the UBC Department of the Pediatrics. I was also a member of the Pediatric Residency Training Committee for over 10 years and was Assistant Program Director for the Pediatric Residents for one year.

Jeffrey Kimel

Jeffrey Kimel

As parents of four young children, my wife and I are deeply passionate about becoming ambassadors for With our oldest entering the age where smartphones and social media are becoming prevalent, we have read numerous books and articles highlighting the alarming statistics about the negative impacts these technologies can have on young minds.

We believe that tackling this issue requires a collective effort from society, beginning with parents and extending to school leaders. A bottom-up approach led by parents, combined with a top-down strategy from school administrations, creates a powerful framework for change. We see as an incredible tool to help us stay accountable and to provide our children with the best possible environment for success.

Kirsten Sweet

Kirsten Sweet


I am Kirsten Sweet, a mother of two young children and a teacher with a Master’s degree in Elementary Education. Over the past 16 years as an educator, I have become increasingly concerned with how smartphones and social media are changing the essence of childhood.

I witness children as young as eight years old walking home from school, scrolling on their smartphones. I think of the nuances of daily life that they are missing: the squirrel running across a branch, the bird chirping happily in the background, the other eight-year-old walking across the street who glances over – a potential new friend, unnoticed.

As parents, we have the power and the responsibility to slow this down for our children. Together, we can raise awareness about how to safely introduce smartphones and social media to our children at an older age. If we do this collectively, we can shift societal norms and reduce the pressure to give a smartphone to our children because most of their peers have one.

By signing the Unplugged Canada Pledge, we take a crucial step toward safeguarding our children’s well-being. This includes protecting their mental health, encouraging quality sleep, fostering healthy social development, and supporting their ability to concentrate. We can cultivate a childhood that prioritizes play, meaningful real-life connections, and the joy of exploring the natural world.

Josette Calleja

Josette Calleja

I am Josette Calleja, a parent coach, a passionate executive, and wellness specialist. I am a strong supporter of Unplugged because I believe our children need a childhood filled with meaningful connections, outdoor adventures and genuine interactions. The things a cell phone cannot provide. In my practise, I often see children become so absorbed in screens, potentially hindering their development and connection to the world around them.

Research shows that spending time outdoors and engaging in real-world interactions significantly contributes to a child’s wellbeing, self esteem and overall development. Keeping our kids off the phone at this critical age will provide the opportunity to connect with nature, nurture their curiosity and build authentic relationships offline. Please join us in taking a stand for a cell phone-free childhood so our kids embrace a lifestyle that values genuine connections, imagination and healthy development. Let’s together make a difference in shaping a healthier future for the next generation.

Jacob Gallinger

Jacob Gallinger

After almost a decade of working in Educational Administration, it has become abundantly clear to me that Smartphones and social media are the two most significant contributors to the recent increase in mental health issues amongst our youth. When senior and experienced teachers comment that “Kids just aren’t the same these days,” they show frustration and fatigue when they follow up their comment with, “It’s because of their phones.” Jonathan Haidt’s book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness seems to me to be just the catalyst for change that parents and educators have been seeking for many years. Legislators, politicians and the media finally seem to be waking up to these issues.

As a school principal and father of two young girls, I am worried and frightened for the future of our children if we continue to allow and encourage them to have a “phone-based childhood”. With that said, I am invigorated and energized by Haidt’s suggested new norms. The pendulum seems to be swinging toward a collective acknowledgement that parents and educators must act now if we wish to curb the detrimental effects of Smartphones and social media on today’s youth. The Unplugged Canada pledge is timely, important and impactful. There is power in numbers and we hope you will join this critical initiative.

Margot Denommé

Margot L. Denommé

I am an author, speaker, parent, and former Crown Attorney. Throughout my career, I have witnessed the devastating effects of low self-esteem and diminished confidence in children. As a mother of two daughters, I became deeply concerned about the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by mainstream and social media. Recognizing the link between damaged self-worth, bullying, mental health issues, and future challenges, I turned to writing children’s stories with a powerful message: true beauty comes from within. In 2013, I launched ‘The Celebrate YOU!’ Tour, reaching over 150 schools and community groups across North America. My work focuses on empowering children by promoting confidence, digital etiquette, and online safety.

Most recently, I introduced The Family Smartphone Guide, a vital resource for parents navigating the complexities of their children’s digital lives. This guide provides practical tools for setting boundaries, understanding online risks, and offers essential insights into the physical, mental, and legal implications of smartphone use.